Understanding The Benefits Of Post Tensioning

Posted on: 18 September 2017

If you have not yet decided if you want to opt for post tensioning because you have been unsure of the benefits, you will want to keep reading. The more you learn about the benefits of this, the more likely it is that this will be the method you will want to use.

You Will Save Money On Materials

It is important to make sure that you are always trying to save money where you can, as this means that there will be more profits for the business. One area where you can easily save money is that of the purchase of materials and with post tensioning, that is a relatively easy task. You will save money on the cost of materials because you will not need as much rebar in the floor elements and you also will not need as much concrete because the concrete member sizes will not have to be as thick.

You Will Find That The Performance Is Improved

Some of the improvements in performance that you will find include a reduction in vibration and deflection. Also, you will find that there is going to be improved crack control. There will also be better waterproofing benefits, which is especially important if you are working on a balcony, or even a parking garage. You are also going to discover that there will be a great amount of flexibility with the floor layouts that you can pick from, as well as increased natural lighting options when you can have fewer columns that the post tensioning allows for. 

The Construction Time Will Be Shorter

Instead of it taking much longer, you will find that the average pour cycle should only be three or four days long. Another point to keep in mind is that the construction time will be dramatically reduced thanks to the better coordination with the MEP openings, as well as the embeds.

The Cost Over Time Is Reduced

There will not be as much maintenance involved throughout the life of the post tensioned structure. It is also important to note that because of the smaller height of the buildings, there will be some energy savings to consider.

As you can see, there are a lot of benefits that come from opting for the post tensioning option. All you have to do now is to make sure that you are getting in touch with the best contracting company for the job. For more information, contact a business such as Advanced Post-Tension, LLC.
