3 Key Assessments To Conduct Before Renting A Crane For Construction Rigging

Posted on: 9 June 2021

The key to a successful rigging project is renting the right crane for the job. Cranes come in various types and sizes, and with varying configurations. Choosing the wrong equipment can lead to costly downtime, accidents, and prolonged project times. Therefore, before renting a crane, it's essential to engage your crane provider in a detailed assessment that will help you choose the right equipment for your project. With this in mind, here are three factors to assess for a successful crane rental.

Site Factors

Various site factors can affect your choice of crane equipment. An important factor is the size of the space. If you are working on a small site, rent a crane that can easily access the location. Renting large equipment may present accessibility difficulties and cause downtime. However, where the project requires a large crane, you need to assess the site and determine how the equipment will maneuver the space. If you're renting other equipment, such as excavators and graders, ensure that your site has adequate space to host all of them, especially if you intend to use them simultaneously.

Ground and Weather Conditions

Ground and weather conditions can limit your choice of rigging equipment. For example, some mobile cranes can topple over when used on uneven ground. The rainy weather can present challenges with mobile cranes, especially if the soil isn't compacted. Storms and strong winds can destabilize loads midair and increase the risk of accidents and property damage.

Therefore, address any unsuitable weather conditions that may affect your choice of cranes and rigging accessories. For example, if you are planning a project during the rainy season, go for crawler cranes or rough-terrain cranes, as they can easily maneuver difficult terrains. If you are expecting strong winds, use rigging methods that limit load sway on cranes. These techniques call for the use of specific rigging chains and ropes that you can rent from your crane provider.

Load Specifications

Before renting a crane, assess the loads you intend to rig. What is the maximum weight of the loads? How much distance is the crane required to cover while loaded? Does the machine need to rotate during operation? These factors can help you choose the right equipment for your operations. Analyze the load charts for your preferred crane and determine the equipment's capabilities and limitations. 

Conduct this assessment on the site to get a clear visual of the rigging operations. You can also assess any overhead risks that may affect your project. For example, if there are large trees or overhead power lines near the rigging site, choose a crane with a shorter boom to avoid hazards. Alternatively, you can hire two or more cranes for different rigging tasks.

Assess the above issues with your crane provider before initiating the crane rental process.
